Focuses on children with recurrent, common pediatric issues (ie: eczema/acne, asthma, allergies, abdominal pain, chronic runny nose/sinus problems, constipation, diarrhea). We also see children with chronic health concerns that are being followed by a specialist (ADHD, anxiety/depression, autism, down syndrome, autoimmune diseases) and offer expanded options to augment treatment of these conditions.
Flourish Kids Integrative Health is a consultative practice. |
Work in partnership with any other doctors you have established care with – but won’t take the place of your primary care provider or specialty care. |
Do not provide primary care services such as school/sports/camp physicals, vaccinations or well-child examinations – it is important to keep your relationship with your PCP/medical home |
No acute/urgent/emergency care services |
Do not bill to insurance plans – cash-based practice. |
Some services may be reimbursable by reimbursable insurance plans (ie: HSA’s)